OSA Curriculum

Course Catalog/Offerings

English - 4 Credits of English

Required: 4 Credits of English

English 9

This year-long course will focus on engaging students in literary analysis of classical and contemporary text. Students will read the following forms of writing to master comprehension and literary- analysis strategies: Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Literary nonfiction, Influential Speeches

English 10

English 10 reinforces literary analysis and 21st century skills with literary nonfiction, application e-resources and education interactives. This course will allow students to apply their literary analysis skills to a range of genres and text structures. Students will also compose writing in the following forms: Descriptive, Persuasive, Expository, Literary Analysis, Research, Narrative, Compare and Contrast Essays.

English 11

English 11 dives into American literature from early American Indian voices through contemporary works. Students will engage in literary analysis and inferential evaluations of text.  Students will analyze the following types of literature: Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Expository nonfiction

English 12

12The course offers insight into British literary tradition spanning from Anglo-Saxon writing to the modern period.   The course connects philosophical, political, religious, ethical and social influences of each time period to the work of notable authors. This course will also include works from India, Europe, China and Spain.

Math - 4 Credits

Required: Algebra I and II and Geometry

Algebra I

Full year course focusing on:  Relationships between quantities and reasoning with equations, Linear and exponential relationship, Descriptive statistics, Expressions and equations, Quadratic functions and modeling Students will interpret,

analyze, compare and contrast functions that are represented numerically,

tabularly, graphically and algebraically. Students will make sense of the

problem situation, solve novel problems, reason abstractly and think


Algebra II

Full year course focusing on: Functions, Polynomials, Periodic Phenomena, Collecting and Analyzing Data Students will review linear and quadratic functions.    They will make connections between verbal, numeric, algebraic and graphical representations of functions and apply this knowledge as they create equations and inequalities that can be used to model and solve mathematical and real world problems. Students will also draw analogies among the operations and field properties of real numbers and those of complex numbers and algebraic expressions.


Full year course focusing on: Reasoning , Mathematical Arguments, Study of Triangle Congruence, Exposure to Proofs and Geometric Constructions

Students will extend their knowledge of triangle concepts to other shapes.   Students will justify various formulas for circumference, area and volume.  Students will make connections between geometry and algebra including slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines and parabolas in the coordinate plane.   Students will also deep dive into the investigation of circles.  Lastly, students will

apply theoretical and experimental probability to make decisions informed by

data analysis. 

1 Additional Math Course

Financial Math

Full Year Course Focusing on: Connecting Practical Math Concepts to Personal and Business Setting, Percentages, Proportions, Data analysis, Linear Systems and Exponential Functions This course will challenge students to gain a deeper understanding of: Personal Finance Planning, Budgeting and Wise Spending, Banking, Paying Taxes, Insurance

Personal Finance

Similar to Consumer Math, Personal Finance digs deeper into: Long Term Investing, Buying a House, Consumer Loans, Economic Principles, Traveling Abroad, Starting a Business, Analysis of Business Data

Although most of OSA students will focus on consumer or personal finance, OSA will also offer courses in mathematics for: Pre-Calculus, Trigonometry, Probability and Statistics

Science - 3 Credits

Required: Biology, Physical Science and 1 other


This year long course engages students in the study of life and living organisms and examines biology and biochemistry in the real world. This course includes virtual labs in order for students to deeply understand concepts and think critically like a scientist.

Major topics include: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Cell Process, Heredity and Reproduction, Taxonomy, Human Body systems, Ecology

1 Additional Science Course

Environmental Science

This year long course explores: Ecology, Biosphere, Land, Forest, Soil, Water, Energy and Resources, Societies and Policy In this course students will connect scientific theory and concepts to current, real-world dilemmas. 

Physical Science

This year-long course focuses on basic concepts in chemistry and physics and encourages exploration of new discoveries in the field of physical science.   

Student explore: Chemical Principles and Procedures, Chemical Building Blocks, Composition of Matter, Properties that affect motion, forces and energy on Early, Properties of electricity and magnetism - Students expand their knowledge by applying what they have learned into interactive virtual labs that require them to ask questions and create hypotheses.

Earth Science

Students will expand their knowledge of: Rock Formation and volatile forces that have shaped and changed our planet, Climate change and energy conservation, Foundations for understanding the physical characteristics that make the planet Earth unique, Examining the Earth's characteristics differ among the planets of our solar system

Social Studies/History - 3 Credits

Required: World History, U.S. History (including Arizona history),Government, including civics and Arizona government (.5 credits), and Economics (.5 credits)

World History

Yearlong course examines the major events and turning points of world history from the Enlightenment to the present.  Students investigate the foundational ideas that shaped: The Modern World in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia, Americas. Students will also explore the economic, political and social revolutions that have transformed human history. Social history, democratic government and the relationship between history and the arts allows students to make connections between the past, present, across cultures and among multiple perspectives. 

Students also use a variety of primary and secondary sources including legal documents, essays, historical writings, and political cartoons to evaluate the reliability of historical evidence and to draw conclusions about historical events.   Students incorporate English Language Art Skills into the assignments and tasks

US History including Arizona History

Yearlong course explores people, places, and events that shaped early United State history and the State of Arizona.   The course studies the Era of Exploration through the Industrial Revolution, leading students through careful examination of defining moments that shaped the nation of today. Students study colonization

of the New World and examine the foundation of colonial society. While studying the history of the United State and Arizona,  students will learn critical-thinking skills by examining the constitutional foundations of US governments.   Territorial expansion, the rise of industrialization and the significance of slavery will be examined in the context of how these issues contributed to the Civil War and Reconstruction.

Government, including civics and Arizona government (.5 credits)

Semester long course provides students with the practical understanding of the principles and procedures of government.  This course lays the foundation of the origins and founding principles of American and Arizona government which guide and shape democracy.  A review of the Constitution and its amendments allows

students the ability to investigate the development and extension of civil

rights and liberties. Students will also explore Supreme Court decisions and the impact and importance on constitutional rights. The course leads students through the functions of government today and the role of citizens in the civic process and in promoting policy changes. 

Economics (.5 credits)

Semester long course allows students to broaden their understanding of how economic concepts apply to their everyday lives including: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Characteristics of mixed-market economies, Role of government in a free-enterprise system, Global economy, Personal finance strategies

Students apply critical-thinking skills while making practical economic choices. 

Students will also analyze data to write informative and argumentative pieces

of writing.

Fine Arts or Career and Technical Education: 1 credit

Required: Fine Arts or Career and Technical Education Students may choose from the following:

Introduction to Art

Covering art appreciation and the beginning of art history, this course encourages students to gain an understanding and appreciation of art in their everyday lives. 

Digital Arts

Students learn 3D space in a 2D environment; filters, gradients, and highlights; and methods of working with color. By the end of this course, students will have created a unique portfolio of digital artwork, including repeating images to be used as a computer’s desktop background, a logo with text, two images 

Art History

Introducing art within historical, social, geographical, political, and religious contexts for understanding art and architecture through the ages, this course offers high school students an in-depth overview of art throughout history, with lessons organized by chronological and historical order and world regions. 

Career Planning and Development

Introducing high school students to the working world, this course provides the knowledge and insight necessary to compete in today’s challenging job market. This course helps students investigate careers as they apply to personal interests and abilities, develop the skills and job search documents needed to enter the workforce, explore the rights of workers and traits of effective employees, and address the importance of professionalism and responsibility as careers change and evolve. 

Introduction to Business

Students learn the principles of business using real‐world examples.  This course covers an introduction to economics, costs and profit, and different business types. Students are introduced to techniques for managing money, personally and as a business, and taxes and credit; the basics of financing a business; how a business relates to society both locally and globally; how to identify a business opportunity; and techniques for planning, executing, and marketing a business to respond to that opportunity. 

Introduction to Coding

Intro to Coding covers a basic introduction to the principles of programming, including algorithms and logic. Students engage in hands-on programming tasks in the Python programming language as they write and test their own code using the approaches real programmers use in the field. 

Introduction to Health Science

This high school course introduces students to a variety of healthcare careers, as they develop the basic skills required in all health and medical sciences. Students learn terminology, anatomy and physiology, pathologies, diagnostic and clinical procedures, therapeutic interventions, and the fundamentals of medical emergency care. 

Projects in Game Design

Students build a solid foundation in the fundamentals of game design and development. Students create an impressive portfolio of interactive, engaging games such as a classic two-player Ping-Pong game, a block-breaking action game, and a maze game with moving obstacles. Students learn the language of

events, conditions, and actions; game objects that track scores, lives, time, and more; and automated, random, and user-controlled movement. 

Additional Electives: 7 credits / Must include 1 credit of Health/PE

Required: 7 Elective - Credit, 1 credit must be Health/PE

Required: Health and Physical Education

Foundations of Personal Wellness and Lifetime Fitness (Physical Education) is a full-year offering that combines health and fitness instruction. Examines and analyzes various health topics such as: Alcohol use, Drug use, Physical fitness, Healthy relationships, Disease prevention, Relationship and mental health of creating a healthy lifestyle, Healthy relationships with peers and family, Nutrition,

Sleeping, Physical Fitness Plans, Harassment and Bullying Laws

Students can choose from any of the Fine Arts or Career and Technical Education. Students may also choose from the following elective courses

6 Credits


This course introduces high school students to the study of psychology and helps them master fundamental concepts in research, theory, and human behavior. Students analyze human growth, learning, personality, and behavior from the perspective of major theories within psychology, including the biological,

psychosocial, and cognitive perspectives..

Strategies for Academic Success

A comprehensive analysis of different types of motivation, study habits, and learning styles, this course encourages high school students to take control of their learning by exploring varying strategies for success. 

World Languages may be Utilized to satisfy elective requirements


Providing insight into the human dynamics of our diverse society, this is an engaging course that delves into the fundamental concepts of sociology

Spanish I

Students begin their introduction to high school Spanish with fundamental building blocks in four key areas of foreign language study: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Instruction will include introductory vocabulary such as: Days of the week, Weather, Exchange greetings, Colors, Numbers, Food, Basic Phrases

Spanish II 

High school students continue their introduction to Spanish with the expansion of vocabulary in: Cooking, Ecology, Geography, Architecture

Spanish III

Will also include Instruction in: Language structure and grammar, Past tense, Imperatives, Impersonal constructions

Spanish IV

In this expanding engagement with Spanish, high school students will

review grammar and vocabulary from Spanish I and II.  The focus of Spanish

III will be on conversational Spanish and fluency.

Career and Technical Education Courses

For students who elect to utilize the Career and Technical Education Pathway, OSA will offer the following courses:

• Automotive

• Carpentry

• Cosmetology

• Culinary Arts

• Coding

• Electrical

• Entrepreneurship

• Information Technology

• Pharmacy Technician

• Plumbing

• Veterinary Assistant

• Welding


Online School of Arizona Grading Scale

The grading scale for students enrolled with Online School of Arizona will be based on percentages as well as the 4.0 grade system. Those systems are as follows:

Letter Grade
4.0 Scale


100% to 93%



92% to 90%



89% to 87%



86% to 84%


B -

83% to 80%



79% to 77%



76% to 74%



73% to 70%



69% to 67%



66% to 64%



63% to 60%



59% to 50%
